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We are located downtown Alpena, on the corner of Second Ave and Chisholm, across from Culligan Plaza water fountain.There is parking in front and on the side of the store, in addition to a 60 space lot across the street.


Phone: 989.354.3331
Fax: 989.356.6209

Media Contact:

You can expect to receive from Olivet Book and Gift at least 2 print catalogs per year and regular email contacts so that you can keep up to date on new books, music, videos and giftware that become available. Make sure that we have all of your information complete, both mailing and email addresses.


Mike Cornelius Book Signing for Vol 3, Hubbard Lake, Michigan

Volume 3 of Mike Cornelius, Hubbard Lake, Michigan is being featured for a special meet and greet book signing event on Saturday January 26, 2013 from 10:30 - 1:30. 

Several years ago Mike had a simple plan to capture the area that he grew up in by gathering stories, pictures and memories. This simple plan has mushroomed into three published volumes with a fourth on the way.

Volume three has over 700 photos and covers the time period of 1960-2012. This beautiful coffee table size book is an awesome presentation that anyone would enjoy pouring over, whether familiar with the Hubbard Lake area or just a lover of history and beautiful nature pictures.

Come and take advantage of speaking to Mike about this wonderful project and pick up a copy for yourself or a friend; Saturday, January 26th at Olivet Book and Gift, 10:30 - 1:30.


Happy NewYear!!!

This year be resolved to seek the LORD's face. Spend time in the WORD daily. Expect GOD to speak to you. Know that you are loved and blessed. We have lots of wonderful options available if you are looking for a new devotional or day to day reading bible. Let us serve you by assisting you in finding that perfect bible or devotional. 10 percent off all devotional and One Year Bibles the month of January.


Still Lolo releases November 15

There's nothing like a true story! Another good one, STILL LOLO, is here.

The tragedy to triumph in Christ story of an influencer in the world of high fashion who learned from a disastrous accident that true identity is in Christ alone. This important message can have value for youn g women who place great value on physical appearance for self-worth. Lauren Scruggs will tell her story to many on national television and national magazines this fall. This is going to be a great read for everyone, but may be just the perfect gift for teen girls this gift giving season.

It has a November 15 release date and I'm anxious to get it on the sales floor Right NOW.


New Spiritual Warfare Bible, NKJV

As seen on Ron Phillips television ministry, the new SPTRITUAL WARFARE BIBLE is available this month at Olivet Book and Gift.

Including 250 one sentence declarations, and prayers to affirm your determination to confront powers of darkness.

216 tips for effective spiritual warfare.

Engaging study material from Christian leaders and authors perfect for individual and group study.

Bindings available: Hardcover 39.99, and Leatherlike 59.99



We are excited to confirm the Meet and Greet scheduled for Monday, September 17th from 10-11am at Olivet Book and Gift with national best selling author BEVERLY LEWIS. Beverly has authored over 80 books and gave birth to the genre of fiction known and loved as Amish Fiction.

THE SHUNNING was the first of dozens of titles featuring Amish characters. THE SHUNNING is loosely based upon Beverly's grandmother who was a young Amish girl who fell in love with an English boy, left her community to marry outside of her community and was shunned by the family and friends that she loved. This wonderful story has been read by untold numbers of readers and was made into a family friendly movie on prime time television last year. I'm sure many of you were able to watch this movie and will agree that Beverly Lewis has captured the hearts of all ages and understands how to reach the heart strings of her readers and share the love of Christ in a tender and real way.

Please join us on Monday morning, Sept. 17th. and enjoy reviewing dozens of Beverly's titles, including her latest release, THE BRIDESMAID. Special prices will be available on Beverly's books during her book signing event.