We are excited to confirm the Meet and Greet scheduled for Monday, September 17th from 10-11am at Olivet Book and Gift with national best selling author BEVERLY LEWIS. Beverly has authored over 80 books and gave birth to the genre of fiction known and loved as Amish Fiction.
THE SHUNNING was the first of dozens of titles featuring Amish characters. THE SHUNNING is loosely based upon Beverly's grandmother who was a young Amish girl who fell in love with an English boy, left her community to marry outside of her community and was shunned by the family and friends that she loved. This wonderful story has been read by untold numbers of readers and was made into a family friendly movie on prime time television last year. I'm sure many of you were able to watch this movie and will agree that Beverly Lewis has captured the hearts of all ages and understands how to reach the heart strings of her readers and share the love of Christ in a tender and real way.
Please join us on Monday morning, Sept. 17th. and enjoy reviewing dozens of Beverly's titles, including her latest release, THE BRIDESMAID. Special prices will be available on Beverly's books during her book signing event.
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