Mike Cornelius Book Signing for Vol 3, Hubbard Lake, Michigan

Volume 3 of Mike Cornelius, Hubbard Lake, Michigan is being featured for a special meet and greet book signing event on Saturday January 26, 2013 from 10:30 - 1:30.
Several years ago Mike had a simple plan to capture the area that he grew up in by gathering stories, pictures and memories. This simple plan has mushroomed into three published volumes with a fourth on the way.
Volume three has over 700 photos and covers the time period of 1960-2012. This beautiful coffee table size book is an awesome presentation that anyone would enjoy pouring over, whether familiar with the Hubbard Lake area or just a lover of history and beautiful nature pictures.
Come and take advantage of speaking to Mike about this wonderful project and pick up a copy for yourself or a friend; Saturday, January 26th at Olivet Book and Gift, 10:30 - 1:30.
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